Christmas is approaching soon. It is the best time to plan a getaway with family and friends in Sydney. However, the fun of your trip will be a lot more when you know all your loved ones are happy, safe, and healthy. It includes your furry companions as well because pets are a crucial part of family members for most pet owners in Sydney.

When it comes to cats, they are independent. However, they need attention, love, and companionship to stay happy and healthy. So, no matter how many days you have to go for a trip, leaving your feline alone can be stressful. That is where cat accommodation in Sydney comes into play.

So, What is Cat Accommodation in Sydney?

As the name suggests, cat accommodation, also known as cat boarding, is a temporary accommodation where you can leave your beloved feline when you can’t provide the essential care it needs. 

Cat boarding facilities are operated by professional and trained pet lovers who take care of your feline on your behalf in your absence. Starting from providing your pet with nutritious food and water to administering their medical needs, they take care of everything so that you can enjoy your vacations with peace of mind.

Benefits of Choosing Professional Cat Accommodation

  • Eliminate Travel Stress: Cats are creatures of routine. Making changes in a cat’s routine can lead to stress and anxiety in cats. However, the staff at the boarding facility will ensure that your cat follows the same routine as it follows at home. 

Moreover, unlike dogs, they don’t like to travel much. While a long trip can be an exciting phase for you, your cat might not feel the same excitement. So, when you leave your cat at a boarding facility, you eliminate the chances of travel stress.

  • Regular food and water supply: No matter where you are, your pet needs a nutritious diet and adequate water for its overall well-being. But when you have to leave your feline alone, the most concerning thing is who will feed it. 

At times, professionals at a cat accommodation in Sydney turn out to be life saviours. They ensure your cat gets its food and water on time. In case your cat has some special dietary needs, you can also discuss it with the staff. They will ensure all your instructions are followed properly.

  • Health and Exercise: No matter what cat species you have, it needs regular exercise and proper vaccinations to ensure its well-being. At the cat boarding facility, the staff will play with your feline and arrange some activities to ensure it gets proper physical and mental stimulation for proper development. 

Moreover, they have access to professional vets who take care of your furry companion in an emergency. They provide proper medicines and vaccinations to your beloved pet.

Factors to consider when evaluating cat accommodation services

While cat accommodation services can be the best option when you have to leave your beloved pet alone at home, not every boarding facility is the same. With an endless number of options to choose from, picking the right one is not an easy task. So, here are factors you should consider when deciding which cat accommodation services you should choose.

  • Accommodation Space: Since every pet is not the same size, it is crucial to check the amount of space available for your pet. Remember that your feline friend has all of your home to roam here and there and a designated and sufficient space for relaxation. 

So, make sure the boarding facility you choose has adequate space where your pet can sleep calmly and play while having a good time. In addition, ensure the place you choose has proper ventilation, temperature control, and lighting. 

  • Cleanliness and Hygiene: Like humans, cats also love a clean and hygienic environment. So, before you choose a boarding facility, you should visit the location to evaluate its standards for cleanliness, hygiene, and odour. 

In addition, you should ensure that your cat has proper access to a separate litter tray. Sharing a litter tray can expose your cat to some vulnerable diseases that may occur from another cat. In addition, ensure that their litter trays, food bowls, and water bowls are cleaned regularly.

  • Staff Skills and Experience: Whether your cat likes the boarding facility or not will depend on the available staff. If the staff understands your pet’s needs, they will be able to provide it with proper care and attention. 

So, it is crucial to know whether the staff has the skills and experience to handle your pet or not. In addition, you have to check the pet-to-staff ratio, as it is difficult for an individual to handle several pets at one time. 

  • Safety and Security: Losing your pet can be heartwrenching. So, it is vital to ensure the safety of your pet on your own. Choose a boarding facility that follows proper safety protocols to keep your pet safe. 

Ask the boarding facility questions like their criteria for pet segregation, how they ensure your pet doesn’t come in contact with sharp objects or consume any other harmful objects, etc. In addition, ensure that the facility has well-maintained enclosures and has proper CCTV cameras installed.

Sydney’s Top Cat Accommodation Services

Leaving your cat alone while you embark on your travels can be a source of stress for both you and your feline friend. At Noah’s Ark Pets, we understand the importance of ensuring your cat is well cared for, even in your absence. That’s why we offer top-notch cat boarding services in Sydney, allowing you to travel with peace of mind, knowing that your cat is in good hands. 

Our comfortable and spacious accommodations are meticulously designed to provide your pet with the utmost comfort, ensuring their staycation is nothing short of purr-fect.

To ensure your pet receives the best care,, we provide the following services:

  • Premium Meals
  • Quality Bedding
  • Health Recordings

What sets us apart is:

  • 730+ Happy Clients
  • 80+ Professionals
  • 820+ Adopted Pets
  • 90+ Awards

Whether your cat is outgoing and playful or more reserved and shy, we can easily accommodate your cat at our boarding facility. So, don’t hesitate any longer—call us today at (02) 9831 3322 to secure a cat accommodation space for your beloved pet before the holiday season arrives!